Thursday, August 8, 2024


Thursday, August 8, 2024

     After dinner I watch the first episode of THE GOOD GIRL’S GUIDE TO MURDER on netflix. I like it and will watch more.

     I type the protest letter to the California tax people but my printer stalls.  My old printer is not working. Who fixes printers and is it worth fixing. I work on it for an hour and give up.  Having a working printer is part of my plan to stay independent. I check Wirecutter for a recommendation of a replacement printer.

     I have more books than I can possibly read and still I buy more. I have this fear that I am going to miss something important. And I don’t want to miss out on life.

     I am in the middle of reading BABEL by R.F. Kung.  The writer’s photo shows a young attractive woman. This is a complicated erudite story, isn’t she too young to know so much.

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