Saturday, August 3, 2024


Saturday, August 3, 2024

     In the morning after washing dishes, cutting up an onion for later, taking out trash to the front door, I remove the dry bed sheets and put the three day old wet items into the drier. I place the pile of sheets on my bed ready to fold them. I stop and shout, NO, ENOUGH, I just don’t want to do this anymore. I leave the pile and settle into my recliner and scroll through facebook looking for new Kamala memes.

     Slowly the sky becomes overcast and the new weather system crepes in.  Maybe rain, Maybe lightening.

     I start reading the tall man’s recommended book, DOGSTAR RISING by Parker Bilal.  A detective story based in Cairo, Yes, this keeps me interested.

     In the evening, I settle in to watch the third episode of SYMPATHIZER on MAX. The series is better than the book and yet the violence is upsetting to me. I spend a long time play computer solitaire to recover.

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