Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

     Long slow day waiting to hear news of my daughter’s lung cancer surgery. Reports and pictures arrive on texts from her boyfriend. Yep, the surgeon says, the operation went well and she is doing good. Now for the recovery. A late picture shows her in an ICU bed smiling and watching the democratic convention.  Pain control is working.

     The day feels different when I am waiting for news, any news, good news. I can’t settle down to do my daily domestic tasks. A friend distracts me with a visit. Several phone calls with people I like.  Still the day goes slowly.

     I did start reading a new book by Parker Bilal, THE GHOST RUNNER, another face paced detective story set in Egypt. I watch parts of the Democratic convention.

     This morning the sun is out, the garbage trucks are rumbling in the distance and the construction workers are back across the street. One tiny nasturtium shoot popped out of the potted soil.

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