Monday, July 1, 2024


Monday, July 1, 2024

     I am writing a list of concerns for today’s appointment with the oncologist. I need to remember why I am going through chemo, and is it working.  Big questions. I am so tired of these treatments.

     I water the potted plants on the deck in the morning. The sun is out but not hot. I look at the weather map for this week. The map is covered in dark red, except for a narrow band of green on the central coast.  I live in the green region.

      My daughter is bored enough in the late afternoon to watch an episode of THE RESIDENT with me. It is a combination of soap opera relationships with the doctors and nurses, and bloody surgeries, codes, and treatments. I like the series. She scrolls on her cell phone and watches the show at the same time.

     On Sunday, the neighborhood is quiet, no dogs barking, no construction equipment. I want a bit more excitement in my life. I wish I knew what I really wanted and what was possible.

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