Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

     The heat dome has arrived.  Bright sunny morning. I am counting on the ocean breezes to keep the cost not so hot. I open the doors early and will soon close the curtains. It may just be perfect here, maybe.

    Morning memory. Midcentury, my charming beautiful young mother was the wrong kind of Italian in Monterey.  She spoke Northern Italian and they spoke Sicilian Italian. We kids were safe. We were Irish, with a clever Irish father, and Irish names.

     Finished reading the Singapore murder book. Also finished reading about placebo effects in medicine.  I take Tylenol each night at bedtime and sleep well.  When I miss a pill, I have trouble sleeping. I suspect it is just an effective placebo effect.

     Garbage day.  The bins are at the curb.  The bins also block the white construction trucks from parking in my driveway.

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