Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

     The body of a dead rat lies in my parking area. I am waiting to see what happens next’. I drive to town to mail bills, to deposit my tax refund check and to buy a ham sandwich at the deli. Exhausted, I return home. I realize I am too weak to accompany the lovely flower girl to her medical appointment on Wednesday morning.  Sigh.

     I start reading FOURTEEN DAYS, a novel written by a bunch of writers about the early days of COVID.  Very good.

     Tuesday afternoon real clouds are high in the sky, not the foggy marine layer.  Distant crash of thunder. The danger for wild fires is dry lightning. This morning the fog has returned. I am wearing my orange puffer jacket for breakfast.

     I only have one more season of THE RESIDENT.  These characters have moved into my life. And only a few more episodes of UGLY BETTY. The trump dramas have lasted longer. This week is the presidential debates and then the sentencing for the felony convictions is coming up. So much to look forward to.

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