Friday, June 21, 2024


Friday, June 21, 2024

     Family birthday lunch went well, nine of us eating from an Indian buffet. The restaurant is noisy, loud conversations echo through the room. My family is talkative and engaging.  I am so lucky.

     I received a much desired apple watch as a gift.  Now I am learning how to use it. Such a tiny device. My favorite See’s candy also arrives, and a slice of Rosine carrot cake, and a chocolate goodie in a small box.

     The day remains foggy and cold. We watch the movie IDENTITY THIEF with Melissa McCarthy.  I thought of it as a comedy but it is really sad.

      A delivery man knocks on the door in the evening with a large bag of take out food.  He gives it to us saying enjoy the food.  Wait, we didn’t order any food.  Really, he argues, I am sure I am at the right address.  No, really not us.  So, he takes back the bag and thanks us for our honesty.

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