Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

     On Monday, I wait all day for the fog to leave and the sun to warm me.  I turn on the heater in the morning when my writing friends come for our weekly writing together. Not one glimpse of blue sky is visible.

     Today the closing arguments of the trump trial will be given, and then, the case goes to the jury. The heart of our democracy is that we trust 12 strangers to make an honest decision about the defendant’s actions. We are not asking professionals to do this. We trust our citizens.  Amazing.

     A young college friend talks about her time visiting Palestinian family in the West Bank last fall. They talked peace while listening to explosions outside their home. She says her life is changed from this experience.

     I put the garbage bins by the street yesterday for today’s pick up.  I wonder if the bins will discourage the construction trucks from parking in my driveway.

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