Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

I walk around the back of my house to the attached garage and am surprised by my garage being overrun by bushes and ivy. I lived in a house once that that had a detached garage that was destroyed by plants. I can’t even think of this until my drier comes and then I need to work on my water heater.

I wash my breakfast dishes and can’t remember what was it I was going to do today.  I go back to my room and begin a list again, Oh yes, buy more popcorn, cokes, get car washed, it is all coming back.

I finished reading LADYSITTING during the long rainy day on Saturday.  Page after page.  I don’t want to live to be 101 years old.

I pour through my list of shows to watch on Netflix and Amazon.  Finally, I signed up for CBS all access to start watching THE GOOD FIGHT series. Yep, really good.

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