Sunday, November 17, 2024


Sunday, November 17, 2024

     I highly recommend THE BROKEN BODIES, MY LIFE AS A PHYSICAL THERAPIST by Martha Thomas. A self published memoir from Amazon. I have ordered a memoir of a woman police officer in San Francisco.  I hope it is as good.

     Very little traffic downtown Saturday morning. I drive around doing errands. The streets are bathed in golden light from the sycamore trees.  I park at San Carlos beach and watch the divers preparing their equipment on the lawn for the ocean. The water is calm and the sky is blue.

     The heater is on this morning.  I decide not to worry about the bill until it actually arrives. I no long know what things cost anymore. Open to surprise.

     SAY NOTHING, a new Hulu series is painful to watch and so good.  The story is set in Ireland during the troubles. I suspect this type of war is more likely to be the kind of war that will come to us.

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