Saturday, June 15, 2024


Saturday, June 15, 2024

     Is anyone else reading this book, WHY WE REMEMBER by Charan Ranganath.  I get so excited and pleased as I read snippets of how our brains and memory actually work. I read a few pages and then put it down to reflect on what I have read.  Maybe I should have been a scientist rather than a social worker in my working life.  Oh right, women didn’t do that when I was growing up.

     I buy some treats at Elroys groceries with cash.  It takes a long time for the friendly clerk to find a boss who could open the cash drawer. Paper money is my preference. It should be easier.

     Another sunny day here in Monterey. But it is not going to be hot. Unexpected perfect weather. I feel healthy and am doing my daily exercises to strengthen my body.

     My favorite news reporter is Ari Melbur who explains the legal news on MSNBC. Lots of supreme court news. I have two more episodes of ERIC on Netflix to go.  I can only watch one episode a night, such an intense show.

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