Saturday, June 1, 2024


Saturday, June 1, 2024

     It is hard to not feel competitive with my talented siblings.  They are smart, educated, kind, and helpful. They continue to travel the world while I stay at home.  Four of us now, in old age, with various challenges. We check in with each other most days, with updates of our lives. But competition is tiring and useless. A medical doctor, a history professor, a multi talented artist, and me, a social worker and an aspiring writer. I do love my brother and sisters.

     My charming daughter visits in the late afternoon. We talk and then we laugh as we watch two episodes of WE ARE LADY PARTS on Peacock. Fabulous British series.

     An old social worker friend visits in the morning and we talk. We do not run out of topics. I tell her about the wonders of using a walker and she talks about building a better center for homeless women.

     I walk in the morning and afternoon in my neighborhood. This is week three after my monthly chemo treatment and I feel strong.

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