Friday, May 31, 2024


Friday, May 31, 2024

      In the corner parking corner lot of San Carlos Church is an ancient twisted pepper tree. I loved this playground tree when I attend San Carlos grammar school 75 years ago. The school is gone. This old tree now backs up to a metal security fence and is surrounded by pavement. I smile when I drive by this beloved tree.

     What to say about the Trump trials.  Guilty, guilty, guilty.  The rule of law prevails. A friend and I watch the reports and comments on MSNBC TV. The real heroes are the 12 jurors who did their duty. The jury system is the heart of our democracy. We trust our citizens.

      The photo guy brings me more cherries and cream puffs.  The personal librarian brings me more books and conversations.

     I had planned to go out yesterday.  The day gets away from me. I read, walk on my deck, spy on the construction workers across the street and take a nap and read some more. This morning it is the sounds of hammering and trucks  that accompany me while I eat breakfast.

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