Friday, February 7, 2025


Friday, February 7, 2025   

     Five months ago, my primary doctor refers me to Physical therapy at a rehab program. Nothing happens. Yesterday I receive a phone call asking if I could come in the next day to start physical therapy. They have a cancellation. I am surprised.  No contact for five months.  I hesitate and then say yes. Today at 1:15 I will show up. Am I strong enough for physical therapy but of course that is why I need it.

     My kind neighbor came by to visit and bring news on what is happening in the neighborhood.  I count on her to tell me who is still alive.  My neighborhood is filled with old folks like me.

     In the afternoon, on the couch I watch the strong gusts of wind move through the pine and oak trees. The limbs are pushed to their limits and then bounce back. I wonder if the trees may break and crash on me.

     After the news I watch another episode of NORTHERN EXPOSURE, my all time favorite show. Then I settle in to read more of the South African mystery story HEART OF THE HUNTER. The African names are difficult to remember and differentiate.  The story is good.

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