Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Thursday, February 6, 2025   

     Loud rain is coming down this morning.  I am wearing my green puffer jacket and the heater is blasting away. Good morning I say to myself. I catch myself wondering if my life is ok.  Have I missed some clue on how to improve living. I wait for a better day. A friend reminds me that we are all doing the best we can. Seize the day.  Cliches everywhere pop into my head. Today is just today.

     The neighbor’s fruit tree is now blooming, the yellow acacia trees are fading in the distance. The ground is covered with green masses.  Can’t yet tell what kind of grasses or weed they will be.

     I can’t unlock the outside door in the guest room. Something is broken in the door handle. Sigh

     The poet and the dog watcher eat dinner with me, I try to explain how the two TV remotes work and they just look at me as if I am nuts.  They are in their early 20’s and remotes are not a mystery to them. But to me at age 84 remotes are frequently mysterious.

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