Monday, February 24, 2025


Monday, February 24, 2025

    My daughter’s childhood friends arrive for a birthday dinner.  They bring her balloons and cake and good food. They use my big enough dining room table.  I clear off the table of books and mail and income tax forms. They leave in the evening after I am in bed.  They are good guests and leave all the dishes done.  I have known these young women for over 50 years.

     In the morning, I do my PT exercises, and then water the plants on the deck. The sun is out and the doors stay open.

     In the afternoon a friend brings home made soup and shows me the quilt she is working on. I stopped sewing quilts because of stiffness in my hands.  Maybe I am ready to start again.

     I tell my friends I am intrigued with watching Acorn TV series set in Australia and New Zealand. I am tired of TV life in America and Europe. I also like Asian shows on the Netflix channel.

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