Friday, February 21, 2025


Friday, February 21, 2025

     The puddles are gone, the streets are dry.  No more water seeping from the hillside. The birds are out. So, when do I start watering my garden?

     I am increasing my daily walking but sometimes I resist.  Today is a struggle day. Don’t make me, I say to myself. I compromise and walk less.

     I watch the news and then end the day with another episode of NORTHERN EXPOSURE, such a wonderful series. I don’t know why we don’t move to Alaska after watching a couple of episodes of this series.

     A friend visits at noon and we talk for a long time, mostly philosophy and medical issues. We are both lucky to be alive. I show him my new powerful weapon for medical visits.  He laughs as I pull out my wondrous talking chicken. My new super power is being silly rather than angry. My ventriloquist skills are improving.

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