Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

     A friend comes by at dusk bringing library books.  We talk and then watch the first episode of Ken Burns film on Leonardo Da Vinci on PBS. I am intrigued by Da Vinci’s life and work. Such beautiful images of his art and the countryside.

     After an hour of not falling asleep I get up, wrap myself in blankets and turn on the reading light. Oh yes this is week two of chemo treatment.  I have shivers and heat flashes again. This is so familiar.  I turn on the computer and begin to play solitaire.  Playing with numbers rather than words is soothing. Two hours later I am back in bed. There will be no week two in December.

     I am back to reading several books at a time. Started the latest Louise Penny book, THE GREY WOLF.  I am so familiar with her world I can’t tell if this is good or not.

     Garbage day.  I mark the weeks with ever reoccurring garbage duty.  How is it that one person has so much garbage and trash. The heavy bags are getting easier.  I am getting stronger.

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