Sunday, February 2, 2025


Sunday, February 2, 2025

     I don’t know when it started but I no longer can eat fish except for salmon, and also, tuna sandwiches. The thought of a fish meal makes me cringe. The occasional fish dinner from my home delivered meals just doesn’t work for me. I avoid looking at the NYTimes pictures of fish meals. I just can’t eat fish.

     This morning the sun is back. Rain clouds mostly gone. We needed a bit more rain. But I am not in charge so I will enjoy the warmth of today’s sunlight.

     I am watching season two of NIGHT AGENT on Netflix. An intense thriller, well done. But really, I should be watching comedy like TRAUMA CODE. My Salinas friends came by at noon and we agree, our favorite series is GENTLEMAN FROM MOSCOW. A fabulous tv series.

     I am near the end of the book THE DARKNESS KNOWS, a detective novel from Iceland. I am restless with the last dozen pages of most detective books.  This is no exception.

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