Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

     The four wooden Windsor chairs sit quietly in the corner of the living room waiting for me to make a plan. They displace the pile of empty cardboard boxes. My good friend is moving back to the east coast, and gives me these well loved chairs.

     I sit in my bedroom eating breakfast, wearing my orange puffer jacket, listening to the garbage trucks lumber through the neighborhood. Good job Kathy, I tell myself, once again you got the garbage bins out in time for pick up. Garbage day comes every single week. It is an unending task.

     I have been culling through my piles of books to give to a friend who takes them to her neighborhood small free libraries. She reports that my books are frequently taken.

     Finished watching MISSING YOU on netflix.  A violent and satisfying series. I turn off the sound during scary parts. I really, really, love reading the non fiction book, THE COST OF FREE LAND. Not only is it well written but it reminds me that we have always had painful, difficult times in our country.

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