Monday, January 20, 2025
I am not watching the inauguration of the new president. I am just not going to. I will watch a news summery in the evening. I struggle with not wanting to miss anything important and not knowing what is actually important.
I have an appointment with the oncologist in the late morning. I know it is a holiday but the doctor is working today. I am sweating this appointment. I just don’t know what to expect. These last two days I cry unexpectedly and then I am calm again.
I continue to read the medical book HOW WE DO HARM by Doctor Otis Brawley. The stories contribute to my unease with the medical folks. Today I am taking my sweet soft chicken toy with me for my medical appointment. I am no longer 84 years old. I am reverting back to being an eight year old bratty kid again.
The good news, the sun is out and warming my home. The rosemary bushes are alive with blue blossoms and busy bees. Humming birds in the bottle bush trees. The fire is out (I think) in Moss landing and I am still alive.
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