Thursday, December 5, 2024


Thursday, December 5, 2024  

     A friend reminds me that that everyone is doing the best they can. I tell her this is good enough. We talk together, whenever we get trapped in some heated opinion mind set.

     I love my radio.  It is set for the local classical station. When I turn it on, I listen to the radio’s selection of music, new to me or very familiar. I love not having to make choices.

     I live independently because of my daily meals on wheels deliveries, Instacart orders and Amazon shopping. Three different services provide food and household supplies. Maybe someday I will be able to go shopping on my own. Not yet. And yes, I have many paper bags and cardboard boxes cluttering the house.

     I am excited about finding the best 11 foreign detective books for my relatives. I check google lists, I scroll though book sites and I review my books shelves.  I want to tell them reading paper books is fun, almost as much fun as traveling.  Maybe.

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