Thursday, September 10, 2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020

I am not sure that the explanation for the daytime darkness yesterday takes away the fear that the world is dying.  I am relieved when the normal dark night comes and the red and orange and yellow fire light disappears.

I am ordering a recumbent exercise bike.  I need to be stronger to survive in this new world.

Birds are out in force this morning, calling, singing and bouncing on the bottle bush trees.

Time to forage for food at Safeways this morning.


J-Net said...

Love reading your blog Kathy. And good on you for getting an exercise bike. I too feel like I need to get stronger for this new world. I did sit ups tonight as a start. Glad the birds are singing again. Yesterday was too doooky - today just weird. Take care

kathy whilden said...

Thanks for finding me. Is you blog still alive?