Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday, Dec. 29, 2018

This morning I walked quietly to the kitchen to make coffee.  The others were in their rooms asleep.   I started looking for the NYT paper.  I read the previous day’s paper and am not surprised by the sensational news.  I am calm enough to read the mid range news stories and the reviews and opinions. I looked at the usual places but no paper. 

A story grew in my mind that someone was careless with my paper and I will never find it. I become desperate and start to go outside to see if it has been left on the table.  There it is in the discard pile.  I drink my coffee and read Friday’s paper. 

What is it about the stories that arise in my mind?  Being with family over the week many stories arise, most of them are wrong. My resentful stories of my parents have faded and a new understanding has begun.

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