Friday, December 28, 2007

Large globs of bird poop are oozing over the window and door handle of my car. I look up at the pine tree to try to spot the bird but I don't find it.

On the side of the street is an slow water leak. A steady stream of water has been flowing for the last couple of weeks. An orange plastic cone sits near this leak.

I finished reading FLORENANA, a German Woman's pilgrimage to the Galapagos in the 1930's by Margret Wittmer. Very satisfying book.

1 comment:

AvianMaven said...

If you touch the bird dropping make sure to wash your hands. Also, clean them off before they dry out and turn into and airborne dust. When this occurs, people can inhale the fecal particles and diseases that are carried along with them. A lot of people don't know about diseases like Histoplasmosis and cryptococcus which are spread in this manner so I just want to raise awareness and hopefully keep people safe.