Saturday, August 4, 2007

The gang of first and second grade boys have created a fort, clubhouse, junk pile on the edge of the street under some small live oak trees. They have scavenged the neighbors junk piles finding treasures that only they can see. They race up and down the street on old bicycles, rusted scooters. Their moms make sure they wear shinny new helmets.

The neighborhood high school is gearing up to start next week, alarms, fire drills, sound system, new yellow lines, cars, delivery trucks.

I warn the boys that the high school kids return next week and they need to protect their clubhouse.

They hear that sharks and elephants are coming to torment them.

Later I see the trash piled in wagons as the boys diligently move their fort to the safety of one of the boy's yard. These little boys know that they are vulnerable to the older boys and are learning to take care of themselves.

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