Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It's cold, days and days of thick cool fog, just sitting over Monterey. Where is that sun hiding. 58 degrees in my house. Time to light a fire or turn on the heater. What kind of summer is this?

Finished reading THE ATTACK, this weekend. Our book group selection. It's a thriller, fast moving , lots of action and basically presents a despairing world of suicide bombers and hopeless prospects of peace in the Middle East. Even so I sat curled on my couch under warm blankets and kept reading. Maybe if the sun was out I would have not succumb to such a gloomy view of the world.

After finishing the book I took a walk downtown, took clippings of various lavender and rock rose bushes and potted them. Maybe in the Fall I will have a bunch of new plants for my dry grassy garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always found the fragrace of bushes, flowers and ocean to be comforting but that of desert or parched dirt disconsoling....Oldye Mike