Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Case 78, Book of Serenity

Case 78 Yunmen's sesame cake

Seeking the price throughout heavens, paying it all over the earth; a hundred plans, traveling in search, is all an embarrassment. Is there anyone who knows when to advance and when to retreat, what is admissible and what is blameworthy?

A monk asked Yunmen, "What is talk transcending the buddhas and ancestors?

Yunmen said, "Sesame cake."

A group of us meet biweekly to study classical koan literature at lunch time. This is our current challenge.

I spent the day waiting, an orange alert light on my dashboard and I took my car into the garage. Several phone calls and still no answer what it is. I walked home and have been carrying my phone around waiting for the definitive call. It's seems that the computer in my car is saying disaster and yet there are no symptoms. I think the computer is broken, Kevin the mechanic, thinks it's the engine. I don't know what the car thinks. I am committed to having a safe car to drive so I am deferring to his judgement. I'm not sure I will have a car for tonight. Maybe I need to read the koan again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Instinct vs reason...I hope the lights are wrong...Oldye Mike