Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paris Bakery

This morning as I was standing in line at the Paris Bakery a stylish old woman with coiffed reddish hair turned to me and said are you a Dougherty. I said yes and she said I went to San Carlos school with Peggy. Are you the nun sister. No, You're not the doctor, right? my brother is the doctor. So who are you and I said I am Kathleen and she said, umm. She was talking to me and to the bakery clerk at the same time so it was confusing. I am astounded that any family resemblance can be found in this 67 year old body.

Who are these people who can look at me and immediately know lots of true and not true information about my family's life 60 years ago. I have lived here for most of my life, raised my children, had a long government career and still a stranger will come up to me and say I was a grammar school friend of your sister Peggy, Peggy who left Monterey over 45 years ago. Peggy was well loved by her school friends. Well, I love Peggy also and I love my brother and other sister also. I never know what to make of all of this.

I've started reading Ryszard Kapuscinski's last book TRAVELS WITH HERODOTUS and am loving it. He has been one of my favorite writers and I was sorry to hear he died last year.


Nicole Raisin Stern said...

I like your stories, Kathy. If you were born in Japan, you would be 68 because they count themselves as one year old when they come into the world.

Monk said...

Lovely vignettes, Kathy. Delightful!

I enjoy the gaps you leave after your account of a real moment. I can feel the question each time,"What is this?"