Tuesday, June 26, 2007

dark emotions

I woke in the morning with an intense memory of a time
I was filled with shame and anger, the exact scene
playing out in mind. It took some time for me to come out of it and see that it was all a memory. I was actually alive in my bed. My body carried traces of the emotions for most of the morning. Life is good today, but these memories of intense emotion surface unexpectedly pulling me back into the past. We are all such strange creatures.

The picture of dark lines comes from a class I took where we had to make practice lines on paper. I've had it on my wall for years and now am seeing it with new eyes.

1 comment:

Nicole Raisin Stern said...

I remember that painting of yours on your office wall. If you go to my flickr page and into my "friends' set", you can see a photo of you at your computer with your lines on the wall :)