Friday, February 28, 2025
I meet with the Physical therapist for the 4th time in the morning. A half hour of exercises to improve my balance and step climbing. While he counts the movements, I talk. Maybe I should be quieter. Very few people in the rehab room. We have an ongoing conversation about food shopping, in particular what’s good at Trader Joes. I encourage him to walk through Elroys and be humbled by the prices and the unfamiliar products. It is definitely a trip to a foreign country.
I haven’t been in a grocery store for years. I am home bound and receive meals on wheels, Instacart deliveries and Amazon packages. Oh yes, I have been to Elroys to pick up a fabulous salad. And friends do bring me food. So grocery shopping is an exotic activity for me.
Sea gulls are flying high in lopsided circles over the town. Maybe more rain is coming. More blossoms on the apricot tree this morning. The rock roses and the lavender are blooming. Flowers everyplace.
After the sobering news show, I watch the Acorn series A REMARKABLE PLACE TO DIE. There are four episodes, each 90 minutes long. I watch half an episode at a time. New Zealand is such a beautiful country.
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