Saturday, January 18, 2025


Saturday, January 18, 2025  

     Cold foggy morning.  Heater on, of course. First, I look for information on the Moss landing lithium battery storage fire, and our air quality.  We are told to stay indoors with windows closed. The dangerous chemicals in the air are not measured by the regular air quality sensors. Invisible dangers are here.

     I watch another good episode of THE MISSING on Netflix. Also watching the news about the possible cease fire in Gaza and fires in Los Angeles. I do plan to watch Rachel Maddow’s 100 days of coverage of the new president.

     THE LIGHT EATERS is such a gem of a book. I read it slowly, so much to learn about scientists and plants.  I am feeling healthy and strong this morning.

     A friend is moving and giving me four wooden chairs to add to my collection. I am replacing the old plastic temporary chairs I have been using.

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