Friday, November 6, 2009

Turtle Bay restaurant was crowded for lunch. Sitting in the booth next to mine was two young women and their four very young children.

At first I thought it was cute and then I noticed the destruction the kids were doing to the place, smeared food, screaming, throwing. When they finally left the staff had to take apart the booth, mop and clean before the space could be used again.

I don't think the mothers had any idea the amount of work they created for staff.

1 comment:

Monterey Bay Pacific Coast LifeStyles Network said...

It amazing how some mothers can't control their own children, but I must say it really reflects on the Parents how they have little or no control over their own lives.
I think we've all gone to a nice restaurant only to have a loud family or trouble making kids sit in the booth next to us.
It really ruins the time there and hurts business for the businesses.

Anyways you have a wonderful blog site. I'll check back and see what more you post, very interesting..Thanks LaVern Williams

If you get time please stop by and say Hi at my Blogsite and post a message...thanks !!
The Monterey Bay Pacific Coast Network
Thanks again LaVern Williams