Friday, July 11, 2008

The fire has swept through Tassajara with minimal damage. Also Big Sur now seems safe. But the fire is still running and threatening other areas. I am too tired to worry about them today.

1 comment:

Steve Bradford said...

The hightway from Palo Colorado Road to the Coast Gallery was opened Friday night at 6:00, so Saturday morning at 9:00 I rode my old BMW to the Ripplewood Cafe for breakfast. There was virtually no traffic on the road, just 3 cars and a firetruck. I saw several large camps for firefighters and equipment which were largely empty, because the crews were already in the mountains. My friens, a grandma (who paints and backpacks!), her daughter, and the 3 year old granddaughter, were the only customers in the cafe. After breakfast, we walked for half a mile down the Pine Ridge Trail before we came to a burnt section. The omnipresent spiderwebs had all caputered a layer of ash. Then two park rangers caught up to us and said we had to leave. All in all, a very surreal morning.