Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I wait for school to be out for the two children. I wait in my car that is slowly heating up in the hot sun. Cars and adults are patiently waiting for the kids to be released from their classes.

In the sky I see something that looks like an airplane, high up but when I look closely I see that it is a kite.

Finally with a burst of energy the kids leave their close knit clusters and being the walk back to the cars. they are tired and restless. I am glad to see them.

I tell them that we have to scream for twenty seconds in the car before we leave to release all their pent up energy. I scream but they just watch and say that screaming is dumb. I agree.

We drive home peacefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mom, you are so funny sometimes! it is lovely. sometimes i have to make strange noises too.