Sunday, October 7, 2007

I woke up rested, hurray!

Took an early morning walk on the waterfront. Cool clear light, sun shinning, few people and cars. I kept hearing some one following me . When I turned around there was no one there.

Finally I realized that my left shoe was squeaking, this old shoe that I have worn daily for years now complained to me. I tried different styles of walking to see if I could shake free from the complaining voice.

Eventually I surrendered to the sound and began looking around .

A young skinning couple, dressed in Garth clothes, tattoos, piercings, were waiting for the light to change. The Man held a rope with a big reddish dog attached. He was rough with this dog and after crossing the street he kicked it. I winced. The dog winced. They walked away from me. Is there something I should have done?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read To Kill a Mocking Bird for the first time...9 year old girls are very smart...who is Nicole of Turtles?...Oldye Mike