Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oh no. I forgot to write on my blog yesterday. The day just slipped by. The oak moths are gone, the blue herons' nests are empty, the sea lions have travelled to Mexico, but the tourists are here, so are the song birds, the gulls, morning doves, blue jays, wood peckers, crows.

We had a half day meditation sitting yesterday in the morning with six people. I spent most of the time calming the mind that was busy remembering past hurts, planning for the future and listening to the birds.

Kitchen sink is still plugged up. Dirty dishes are stacked on the counter. The plumber promised he would return with the right equipment Monday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have been living without a bathroom on our side of the house for the past two months because of redecorating.....Where do go get all of your photo's? It is too hot here now....Oldye Mike